On Monday night I finally plucked up the courage to join in a torchlight run (thanks to Jason for the loan of his head torch). We met at the club at 6:30 ready for our journey to Delamere Forest - on arrival we were the only people there not on wheels however it was hard to miss us given the hi-viz jackets and the number of head torches illuminating our way! It was quite clear to all that Perry had been a boy scout - head torch, spare head torch, and spare batteries for the spare head torch!!
The ladies amongst us visited the facilities (head torches off ladies!!) and then it was off into the darkness. The first part of our route was carried out on gravel paths until the point where Chris Brumby veered off to the right in a bid to take us off the beaten track. This all seemed to be going well until Heather slipped in the mud and then came the cry, 'I've lost my trainer!'. Everyone ground to a halt to see a lonely trainer in a mud pool - and Clare sporting only one trainer. The true Sandbach Striders spirit then shone through as Clare was on her hands and knees in the mud retrieving her trainer whilst everyone else laughed and Jason took photos!!!
Once all items of running attire were once again in their rightful place we unfortunately had to turn around and leave the beaten track for another day. We spent the next few miles negotiating our way through tree roots and mud pools - relying on various sat navs to guide us back towards the cars. We even encountered a lone dog roaming the forest however we couldn't persuade him to be the next canine Strider - maybe the 7 headtorches focused on him weren't quite as inviting as we thought!

6 miles later and we returned to the cars - my first torchlight run was done!! I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed it and will definitely do another. On further inspection it was noted that I only appeared to have one dirty trainer - apparently I would be a lot faster if I didn't hop all the way round! Thanks gents - now I know where I've been going wrong all these years!!