About us

Sandbach Striders was born back in 2003. Since the early days, membership has grown with a firm ethos of the club being not just about running but social activities as well. The club is affiliated to UK AAA and has its own qualified coaches. Many other special events take place on various nights too.

The club meets on Wednesdays at 18:30 and Sundays at 09:00 at Elworth Cricket Club.

Whilst many members compete in races from 5k to Marathons, the emphasis remains purely on keeping people motivated and having fun. Why not scan through our race reports to see what we’ve been up to? Having read them, you’re sure to see why Sandbach Striders has developed the motto of being

"No Ordinary Running Club!"

Saturday, 13 April 2013

Race Report: Three Shires 06/04/2013

Dougal does ultra...

There I was laying down dreaming of catching rabbits when I was awoken and placed in the Alfa
Mobil and sent on a 20 mile trip to the Peak District. As soon as my running harness was attached I knew what was coming !!!! I was jumping up and down like a flea in a flea circus (not that I have fleas of course).

The nasty human people wouldn't allow me in the hall but I didn't care I couldn't wait to get on my way... I heard a man come out and bark some instructions and then Bang! I was on my way attached to my Mum and pulling her like a reindeer pulling Santa. Then after only a few hundred yards disaster struck... My Mum was in agony, one of her paws had a problem and she stopped. Evidently this adventure was not going to happen. Soon though my Dad came over and took my reins and kissed Mum goodbye. Paul came back to check Mum was ok too and see if any help was needed, looks like it was going to be me, Dad, and Tara bears Dad. However, after only about 1 mile we found another human that appeared lonely. Her name was Kate and she already knew my Dad from previous running things. She looked a bit lost and although she would be no substitute for my super fast Mum, I allowed her to join my new running pack.

So off we went and well under way I found stick after stick, then I realised that if I ran in front of the humans and put it down they would throw it and I could chase it. After a little while, I found out that we were slightly off course but not to worry because we met some other people that were off course and they liked throwing sticks for me too. Eventually we returned to the course and made our way over loads of rocks and before I knew it there I was !!!! A place with biscuits yum yum. I let the others have a few snacks before I felt it necessary to move on.

So on we went, my new pack, me, Dad, Paul, Kate and a few other people who were just there. Before long we reached a huge downhill bit which was full of ice and snow. Now this made me laugh, all these human people tippy toeing like scaredy cats, then me on all fours chasing sticks, humans, useless or what? Then I heard a massive thud, I turned round to see Paul sat on his bum. He had succumbed to the ice and was withering in agony, laugh? I and the others laughed so much we cried !!!! Paul dusted himself off and we moved on. Another few miles later and we reached some more hills through some fields with more sticks. Boy-o-boy! I love sticks... The female with us was whining a bit at this point but I was loving it through mud and dirt and snow. I liked it so much I had to poo, but not too worry they all waited for me. We then met some other people who spotted Dad was wearing a rucksack with Marathon des Sables on it. Boy-o-boy, this was getting boring, they would not stop asking questions about it. Eventually with Dad being polite and answering them Paul ran on with me forcing Dad to come and join us and having a polite way of saying goodbye.

So we kept going and going and then all of a sudden  we reached a building. Now I wasn't allowed in the building for some reason but the smells coming out of that place had my nose twitching. I'm not sure how long we were there but when eventually my new pack came out they looked like their bellies were going to explode. Dad gave me a little treat and we set off again up the road. After a little while we were running down a hill when there was another thud. This time Dad had fallen over in dramatic style. I was very worried about him but Paul refused to allow him to get up. Instead Paul and Kate insisted he stayed there until such a time  they had photographed him laying on the floor. We carried on some more through some snow, past some sheep and past a pub. Then whilst travelling through another field I turned around to see Dad was sinking in some mud. He was stuck in the mud, it was so deep that I was worried, again though Paul and Kate kept laughing and dad was laughing so much he couldn't get out.

Soon after we returned to the hall of food, again I was kept outside but a nice lady gave me water and a few treats. Then off we went again, this time though it was Paul doing the moaning and not Kate, whining about how hard this was, yet me? I was loving it more more more I was saying to myself. Then there was another thud, Paul had fallen on his butt again and boy what a fall, brilliant, so hilarious that all I could do was laugh my thingies off!! This cheered Dad and Kate up 'cos they couldn't stop laughing. He picked himself up and on we went, not long before the laughter had stopped when Kate went flat on her back, fortunately it was on some mud so she was ok but very very dirty. We carried on through track across fields, down some more track and so on and so on. I was loving every moment of this run and then I met one of those four wheel drive things and Dad told me off for not doing what I was told. Then in revenge I found a really good game, I would get a stick, drop it at one of the packs feet, then when they bent down with their aching bones to pick it up,  I whisked it away... Ha ha ha stupid humans.

We had not been going much longer when I saw some other humans I recognised shouting across the field, it was them, the fast ones, come to brag about how fast they had been. I could have beat them easy if I had learned how to read instructions and been on my own. But I carried on and ignored there comments and then before I knew it, there she was, my Mum, she had waited all these hours for me, I think because she loves me. I ran up and gave her a lick to say hello, I wanted to ask if we could go again, but by the look of Paul and Kate, I think asking them to run across the road might have resulted in them crying.

So all in all I had a great day, shame about Mum's injury but a great day I had with my new pack. I'm now thinking I might enter another marathon event, maybe the Marathon Des Sables or I quite fancy Marathon du Medoc...

For more information, visit the website.


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