About us

Sandbach Striders was born back in 2003. Since the early days, membership has grown with a firm ethos of the club being not just about running but social activities as well. The club is affiliated to UK AAA and has its own qualified coaches. Many other special events take place on various nights too.

The club meets on Wednesdays at 18:30 and Sundays at 09:00 at Elworth Cricket Club.

Whilst many members compete in races from 5k to Marathons, the emphasis remains purely on keeping people motivated and having fun. Why not scan through our race reports to see what we’ve been up to? Having read them, you’re sure to see why Sandbach Striders has developed the motto of being

"No Ordinary Running Club!"

Sunday, 11 March 2012

AGM Reminder: Wednesday 14th March 2012

Just a quick reminder that there will be NO club run this Wednesday.

We have something even better than running planned... It's AGM time!

Please do come along and support your club.

Any additional contributions of food/snacks are very much appreciated.

Many thanks to the people who have already offered to bring items.

The meeting will start at 6:30pm.

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